
Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Awesome Prussia's Diary

                     ~ THE AWESOME PRUSSIA'S DIARY~
Date:  XXXX 13 , 2013

Dear diary, 

  Today, I was awesome as always. ____ and I played with Gilbird, my pet bird.

~ End of entry~

You were hanging out with Prussia today. You two were best friends and always helped each other out. Although it seems cliche, you were in love with him, you just didn't have the courage to tell him Not awesome, right?
 Gilbird was on your head enjoying the view when you were playing Super Mario Bros.

~ flashback~

“NO FAIR! I wanna be Mario!”
“Well tooooo bad!”  You stuck out your tongue at him. You have been fighting like little kids over who got to be Mario. Who ever had the first WiiMote would play as Mario, and obviously, you had it. Prussia made his usual laugh, and showed you something that you would not expect to see.  It was a Twilight book. Yes, the “famous” book that you absolutely hated.You threw the control down. You grabbed Prussia’s head and banged it on the T.V.
“OW! Now you owe me, Kesesese~!”
“Fine, I’ll give you something when I am about to leave.” You were hesitant about saying that.
“Humph. I was talking about playing as Mario.” He pouted.

End of flashback~

You two were enjoying playing the game, even though some people called it a children's game. Right now, you were creaming him in a "Who-Can-Get-the-Most-Coins-Game".
Your phone was ringing, it was your brother.
"____ ? Where are you, I need your help."
"I'm on my way." You put on your hat and gave a hug to Prussia, while he was pouting.
"Why do you have to go?" He was upset. "We can play some other time, I have to help my brother. Goodbye!" With a smile you took off.

When you were outside, you turned around to see Prussia waving.

"OH! I forgot something!" You ran over to him.
"What? What is it?"
"You present. Remember?" With that, you gave him a kiss. You two couldn't help but blush.
With a giggle, you ran away and got on a nearby bus. You calmed down and heard something.

You took of your hat and felt Gilbird on your head.

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